Privacy Policy

COOKEIS: uses Cookies or same technologies which is useful to find out that how user access our service and they gather information of every user with a unique id to get the area of interest and simultaneously receive the record of each user through log data .it records the information like user’s computer’s connection to the internet, protocol add resource and needed information with a security that another user cant identify. Through this record, According to the user requirement we deliver information .

CONFIDENTIAL AND INFOMATION SECURITY protects from unauthorised access, misuse, anykind of editing,loss and damage of data with the help of some security weather physical, electronic measures..on d other part is not responsible if data has been theft or damage is not responsible for other companies policy and terms and conditions.


As well as It can share terms and conditions to any third party for professional or non business purpose with out any granted permission and can take legal action and it can remove any link if found inappropriate With all information from public view and user can activate any time to send a mail as per request to activate it in future.

INFORMATION SHARING AND DISCLOSURE has a full right to change his privacy policy without intimation to the user.its the duty of user to go through all policy on a regular basis. It suggestion and feedback and complains are most invited.. you can write

CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY promotes other companies through its own website.these companies advertise their products and services. when user click according to his area if interest.. it store data Your suggestions and feedback as well as complains are most invited.. For sending your suggesstion complains and feedback to mail us on Your feedback is valueable for us


If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy, you may contact us using the information below.

Last Edited on 2016-11-25

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