Now come on, how difficult is it to understand a guy needs some space in a relationship? Apparently, very. A guy posted screenshots of his last conversation with his girlfriend on Reddit and it was next level savage.
It all started when he chose to spend a day playing video games with his bro over spending ‘quality time’ with his girlfriend, which was completely understandable since they had just gone out on a date the last day and had plans to spend the day after together as well. Take a look at these screenshots and witness some epic shit hitting the roof.
Whoa, BURN.
If only she could see what’s coming onto her.
He was obviously taken aback. So, he asked Redditers for some help. "So I figured I would ask the Reddit community for some guidance. What do you guys think I should do? Iron Banner or Trials?" He posted.
I’m going to take a moment here to stand up and f*cking clap for this guy.
Photo: © Thinkstock/Getty Images (Main Image)