Everyone in the country, including our B-Town celebs are super angry and disappointed with the recent happening in Bangalore. In a recent chat with Filmfare, Disha Patani expressed how she felt about the incident. The actress said, "I’m saddened and hurt by the mass molestation incident that took place in Bengaluru. As a girl who stays away from her family and constantly traveling on work, it frightens me to think of how unsafe it is to stay out late or wear outfits that might be deemed inappropriate, by not only lawbreakers but lawmakers too. These episodes just re-instill my belief that we need to be our own heroes - We have a long way to go on educating our social system but at this point I strongly feel that self defense is an absolute must for every woman out there. As someone with a background in gymnastics and martial arts, I know how empowered , safe and secure knowing a few basic self-defense techniques can make a woman/girl feel. Let's get moving."
Wednesday, 11 January 2017
Disha Patani wants every woman to learn self-defense
Everyone in the country, including our B-Town celebs are super angry and disappointed with the recent happening in Bangalore. In a recent chat with Filmfare, Disha Patani expressed how she felt about the incident. The actress said, "I’m saddened and hurt by the mass molestation incident that took place in Bengaluru. As a girl who stays away from her family and constantly traveling on work, it frightens me to think of how unsafe it is to stay out late or wear outfits that might be deemed inappropriate, by not only lawbreakers but lawmakers too. These episodes just re-instill my belief that we need to be our own heroes - We have a long way to go on educating our social system but at this point I strongly feel that self defense is an absolute must for every woman out there. As someone with a background in gymnastics and martial arts, I know how empowered , safe and secure knowing a few basic self-defense techniques can make a woman/girl feel. Let's get moving."
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