On Tuesday when 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' star, Kourtney was spotted in Beverly Hills with Scott Disick, and daughter Penelope, someone from the media asked her about if she's expecting a baby. She was enjoying her time, and decided not to address such rumors,
Later, Kourtney and Scott made sure their boys enjoy celebrating their birthdays.
Kourtney took her daughter out for a lunch date with Scott Disick at Il Pastaio. Some of the mainstream media reporters ran towards her to remove their doubts about her fourth pregnancy.
Both Kourtney and Scott took turns to carry baby Penelope.
Scott did not entertain the media while Kourtney was asked about her fourth pregnancy, he was busy enjoying spending some quality time with their baby.
Kourtney didn't answer any questions about the rumor either and had a successful lunch date with Scott.