Monday 20 February 2017

8 Creative Ways To Romantically Propose Your Would-Be If You Are Having An Arranged Marriage

In our country, arranged marriages still seem to be the conventional way of going about things. And as shocked as the rest of the world might feel at this concept, various researches prove that most of the times, given different circumstances, arranged marriages are way more successful than love marriages.
There are no two ways about the fact that couples who have been together for years are more comfortable with each other and in most probability, have already proposed marriage. But wouldn’t it be nice to break the ice and propose to your fiancé, if your wedding is an arranged one before you tie the knot?
Well, here are a few creative ways you can do just that.

#1. Through YouTube

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Image Courtesy: YouTube
In the little time that you have known each other, think of all the things you like about her, and make a video confessing what all it is about her that you absolutely adore. Conclude the video by proposing marriage and post it on YouTube. Then, send her the link of the video. All you can do thereafter is to wait for her reaction. And you never know, you could become a YouTube star overnight if the video goes viral.

#2. Take her friends and family’s help

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Image Courtesy: Youtube
With the help of her friends, get her to come out of the house for a while. Now, with her family’s permission and help, decorate her room with the things she loves, be it candles, balloons, flowers or chocolates. Surprise her with a ring in your hand when she enters the room. This is one of the most romantic proposals a girl could ever wish for; her own fairytale moment.

#3. The classic box proposal

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Image Courtesy: Verragio
Send her a huge box through a trusted courier company. Use the classic box-inside-the-box technique. In the last box, place a key with a note that reads, “Here is the key to my heart which only you can open. Would you accept it and be mine forever?” A little too filmy? Well, girls like all the romance you could possibly get hold of, so just go ahead!

#4. At the movies

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Image Courtesy: FairyTale Studios
You will have to shell out a few bucks to bribe the cinema officials, but it will all be worth it. Get them to broadcast your proposal as soon as the movie goes into the interval time. Then, as the proposal message ends, ask her in front of the entire hall to marry you! Girls love it when you show them your affection in front of everyone, out in the open.

#5. On her birthday

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Image Courtesy: Andrew Small
If you happen to be lucky and her birthday falls before your wedding date, get yourself a huge gift wrapped box, and place it outside her room with you in it. At midnight, ask her siblings to get her out of the room to open this huge present. When she does, pop out with a banner in your hand that says, ‘Happy Birthday love, will you marry me?’

#6. Just before the engagement

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Go to her dressing room just before the formal engagement ceremony is going to take place, and toss the question to her on one knee with a beautiful diamond in your hands. Could it get anymore romantic than this?

#7. At family dinner/lunch

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Gif via giphy
Plan a family day out with both your families. After the day-long picnic is over and you are all enjoying a cup of tea, grab everyone’s attention and pop the question. Getting proposed to, by the guy her parents chose for her, in front of them will be a touching moment for her.

#8. On the radio

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Image Courtesy: Virgin Radio Dubai
If she is a regular radio listener, and you happen to know the exact time and channel she listens then that is a perfect chance for you. Maybe while travelling to work, on her walk or whenever, propose to her by leaving a message on the radio. She will be pleasantly surprised and will cherish this moment forever.
So, give your arranged marriage a touch of love by planning a beautiful proposal for your lady love, and let the bond between the two of you get stronger before you tie the knot.

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